
Search Results for: mini

Savor the Moments | Family Portrait Photographer Greensburg

If becoming a mom has taught me anything, it's how fast your little ones grow. My goal, now that there are two little ones in my home, is to be intentional about stoping and savoring the moments and capturing them. I have left my camera sitting in the main portion of the house so I'm not ...

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Baby Boy Jackson Update | The Jacksons in Real Life

I haven't posted much, mostly due to time and trying to prioritize my life but I thought I might answer a few questions for you all. Yes, you have heard correctly, we are a family of four now with a little boy due quite soon. How are you feeling? Pretty good considering in about 38 weeks pregnant. ...

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Stephen & Betsy | Rochester New York Wedding

  In this last year we have traveled but not nearly as much as we wold have liked to. Being traveling wedding photographers, it's made things a little difficult and different. We still traveled but not really for weddings. Now as I catch-up on blogging, I'm beyond thrilled to re-live our destination ...

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