
The Jacksons Weekly | 8.5.19

My senior session Tuesday was rained out this week but don’t worry, there was plenty of office work to keep me busy. I have been trying to be more intentional about spending time with family and friends. Last week we killed it visiting so many but this week with the busy season of work starting, I slacked off a little. 

LITTLE MISS CAROLINE: We did squeeze in a little fun with grandma on Monday to go to the pool. Her little sheep towel cracks me up! I know she will gown out of these things in another year or so but for now, I just adore them! 

The Jacksons Weekly blog wrap-up. Greensburg and Pittsburgh Wedding and Portrait Photographers.

Since my session Tuesday was canceled and it rained, Aaron took Caroline and I went to work at a coffee shop with no distractions. Goodness, I need to do that every week for an hour or so. I got SOOOOO much done! So much so that I grabbed dinner at French Express and enjoyed it at home with a little HGTV show. That was some much needed “mommy time.”
The Jacksons Weekly blog wrap-up. Greensburg and Pittsburgh Wedding and Portrait Photographers.

Caroline and I made our way over to visit baby cousin and bring lunch to Auntie Crystal last week. I don’t think baby cousin was to happy being snuggled but he lived to tell. Caroline ADORES him! If he spits his paci out she rushed to put it back in his mouth. The only tough thing is “kind” hugs NOT squeezes. 
The Jacksons Weekly blog wrap-up. Greensburg and Pittsburgh Wedding and Portrait Photographers.

I have been enjoying this little break before the busy fall wedding season so I stop at the farmers market in Ligonier was in order. Caroline spent about 5 minutes looking at these sunflowers and I was perplexed as to what she was fixated on when I realized there was a bee on one of them. She was so intrigued by this bee it was the sweetest thing to watch. 
The Jacksons Weekly blog wrap-up. Greensburg and Pittsburgh Wedding and Portrait Photographers.

Caroline’s new line to learn… “Shop local”
The Jacksons Weekly blog wrap-up. Greensburg and Pittsburgh Wedding and Portrait Photographers.

The rest of our weekend was full of family reunion fun and a little hike at one of daddy’s favorite spots. 
The Jacksons Weekly blog wrap-up. Greensburg and Pittsburgh Wedding and Portrait Photographers.
The Jacksons Weekly blog wrap-up. Greensburg and Pittsburgh Wedding and Portrait Photographers.

NEW AND EXCITING: No, there are no siblings for Caroline BUT I do have something exciting I am working on personally. I know, like I needed one more thing to do or keep me busy but this one is just for me… well, and Caroline too in a way. 

The Jacksons Weekly blog wrap-up. Greensburg and Pittsburgh Wedding and Portrait Photographers.

Happy Monday afternoon friends!

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