
Caroline’s Milestone 6th Golden Birthday Portraits | Latrobe

Six has always seamed like a big number for Caroline to turn in my head. I think it might be because I vividly remember a lot from my 6 year old life. In my 6 year old head I remember feeling so grown up. This year the not so little miss Caroline hit her milestone 6th golden birthday.

golden butterflies floating in the foreground and background with a little girl in a light pink dress

When I asked her what theme she would like for her birthday, she told me that she wanted a butterfly party. I promptly went to work creating a pink and purple party with gold butterflies to match the milestone golden birthday part. Thankfully what she had envisioned and what mommy had found for decor worked out perfectly. Post party, I salvaged all of the gold butterflies and brought them back to life for her birthday portraits.

milestone golden 6th birthday portraits jackson signature photography
Latrobe family and children milestone portrait photographer

We didn’t have much time for her birthday portraits since we were squeezing them in over Adeline’s very short nap, but miss Caroline made it work.

Latrobe Portrait Photographer Jackson Signature Photography
Caroline Milestone Golden 6th Birthday Latrobe Portrait Photographer Jackson Signature Photography
Caroline Milestone Golden 6th Birthday Latrobe Portrait Photographer Jackson Signature Photography
Caroline Milestone Golden 6th Birthday Latrobe Portrait Photographer Jackson Signature Photography
Caroline Milestone Golden 6th Birthday Latrobe Portrait Photographer Jackson Signature Photography

Happy milestone golden 6th birthday baby girl! Never loose your spunk!

Caroline Milestone Golden 6th Birthday Latrobe Portrait Photographer Jackson Signature Photography

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