Yes, I know Christmas is over but I was out of the office for a little while spending time with my family. Soo I have to catch up after the Christmas holiday. After working up till Christmas day I finally had time to make some cookies late one night. Soo here you go… my yummy […]

Cookie Time


So on Christmas day my little sister decided to dress up the smallest member of my family… Meet my little baby girl, Chaya. She was kind enough to model her santa suite for me. This photo makes me laugh… if I could read her mind… and if dogs actually had thoughts I think it looks […]

Santa Baby


So I had a wonderful Christmas and New Years with my honey and family but now it is back to work for me. Hope all of you had a great Holiday too!

Caffeine and Work


Here are just a few photos of our studio all decorated for the Christmas season.

A Studio Christmas


Goose flying + Airplane Flying = Mess Unlike my last post this one is far from sweet romantic and cute. Let me start out with a photo to give you an idea of what I mean… The pilot of the plane was in flight when above him he saw a flock of geese. Little did […]

Goose + Plane
