About a month ago i took my intern, Ellen, to the National Aviary. We had a blast! The birds were beautiful!     This cute lil penguin has a very inquisitive look on her face.  I love it!       To view all the photo check out my facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150632915290624.695975.207394180623

National Aviary


I fall in love with my profession and hobby more and more everyday. How many people do you hear saying that anymore? More often than not when you talk to people about there job, all they do is complain. They can’t stand their boss. They don’t have the right hours. They aren’t making enough. They […]

My Brand. My Energy. My Statement.


The other night we all raced down to Bodwitch Beach just in time for a few sunset photos… However just shortly after the sun went down and i was ready to leave. I looked down the beach to find a fisherman standing up in the sand dues reeling in whatever was at the end of […]



Off the cost of Fort Myers Beach there are two little islands, Sanibel and Captiva. They are one of my favoite places to be. The islands are well kept with some of the most lovely homes. The town like areas a small and quaint and the beaches are beautiful. Not it is nothing the the […]

Sanibel and Sunset


Wednesday night my family and I along with another family were enjoying dinner in a nice picnic grove overlooking the beach. I had just started to eat my sandwich when I hear my mom calmly but with enough panic in her voice say, “Oh no!”  Turning around I say the “oh” to the “no.” Meet […]

Scavenger by night… then what by day?
