
Foto 365

I am usually not one to join groups or do progressive assignments, but for once in my life I decided to just go for it. So on February 14th I joined what is called "Foto 365." The object of this Facebook page is for several photographers to post a photo a day. Hence the "365" in the title. The ...

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And the Final Vote Is….

A few months ago, I ask all of our Facebook fans to vote on a photo I took. There were three different edits done to the same photo and I could not decide what style edit I wanted to include in next years Photo Gallery Collection. The votes are in... ...

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I Turned the Place UpSide Down!

So last night I was laying in bed tyring to figure out how I could better serve my clients with my studio space.... at 1:30 AM I figured it out... I just had the rooms in the wrong places. At 10:30 this morning with the help of a good friend we turned the studio inside out. My office is now Studio ...

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Cookie Time

Yes, I know Christmas is over but I was out of the office for a little while spending time with my family. Soo I have to catch up after the Christmas holiday. After working up till Christmas day I finally had time to make some cookies late one night. Soo here you go... my yummy sugar cookies. I ...

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Santa Baby

So on Christmas day my little sister decided to dress up the smallest member of my family... Meet my little baby girl, Chaya. She was kind enough to model her santa suite for me. This photo makes me laugh... if I could read her mind... and if dogs actually had thoughts I think it looks like she ...

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