
Our Winter Maternity Portraits | Personal | The Jacksons in Real Life

I’m pretty sure I shed a few tears as I put on my light pink sweater. Though we have know our sweet baby was a girl for weeks it’s still crazy to thinking thoughts in pink and flowers. I’ve been such a blue girl for so long but this sweet little girl is changing all of that.

My dear friend Darcie took some time out of her Sunday for these lovely maternity portraits. It was a balmy nine degrees out with a wonderful light breeze… Pregnant or not that was simply to cold for me BUT the sun was out and there was snow on the ground.

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It’s still crazy to think that this fellow and I have been friends since high school and together for almost 10 years. Now here was are about to start a family. My does time fly right on bye.
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Aaron Phillip, you are going to be the best daddy to this little girl! I can remember early in our dating years thinking what a grand daddy you would make as you played with your little cousin. You have always been such a natural with kiddos and I can’t wait to see you with our baby.
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I grew up riding quads through these fields and a portion of this view was right outside my bedroom window. Who would have thought this view would be a part of my own little girls story. Ok ok ok I’ll stop being all sappy over here.
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Portrait were fun but since it was so cold, we hot some cocoa and started a little fire.
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Now this little girl is due just about any day and I can’t wait to see what she looks like. Who she grows up to be and what crazy things God has for her life.

A big o’l shout-out to my friend Darcie of Darcie Lindsay Photography for being amazing and sticking out the cold with us! Love ya girl!!!!


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