
Favorite Portrait Location | Wedding at Rizzos

A Wedding at Rizzos 

While Katie and Jesse might have had their wedding at Rizzos in Crabtree, I had found the most beautiful field a few miles up the road on our way to their reception. On a whim we stopped along the side of the road and captured these lovely photos, AKA my favorite portrait location of the 2015 wedding season.

Early fall rustic wedding at Rizzos by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers

I have to giggle a little because I am sure these two thought I was crazy. All I said was that there was the most lovely lighting hitting a field down the road. They trusted me so we all  hopped into our car and hit the road. Now prior to the wedding day, Katie and I had talked about incorporating their love for the outdoors into their wedding photos and I had made mentioned of ANOTHER field that might be a good spot to take photos at, but due to time and lighting, we found an even better spot.
Early fall rustic wedding at Rizzos by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers
Early fall rustic wedding at Rizzos by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers

I’m pretty sure they weren’t disappointed.
Early fall rustic wedding at Rizzos by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers
Early fall rustic wedding at Rizzos by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers
Early fall rustic wedding at Rizzos by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers
Early fall rustic wedding at Rizzos by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers
Early fall rustic wedding at Rizzos by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers
Early fall rustic wedding at Rizzos by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers
Early fall rustic wedding at Rizzos by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers

The weeds were a little high but thanks to Jesse, Katie didn’t have to worry about that one bit.
Early fall rustic wedding at Rizzos by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers

Trusting your photographer to have your best in their interest is so important. I might have some crazy ideas but trust me, they are always worth it. We dogged a large hole, hopped over a broken down fence and strolled through the weeds.

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