
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding | Pittsburgh

A day centered around God first and the couple second is the perfect summary for this summer Valley Brook Country Club wedding.

Brian and Kylie had met years earlier, but the timing was all off. They went their separate ways after theirs paths crossed and it wasn’t until about a year before their wedding day they crossed again. Now they are Mr & Mrs and this is their lovely July Valley Brook Country Club Wedding.

Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh

Soft light pink, contrasted perfectly with the dark navy blue. Lush greens gave a summertime wedding vibe on their warm July day.
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh

Kylie and her mom shared a special moment over her wedding bouquet memory charms. Each charm held a family member that was near and dear to them. They might not have been able to celebrate the day in person but I’m sure they were rejoicing in heaven for Brian & Kylie.
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh

A little pause before heading outside for bridal portraits and portraits with her bridesmaids. Brian had a little gift for Kylie. He had created the sweetest photo memory book for her from their times together while they were dating. Major props for him! What super sweet and thoughtful gift!

Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding PittsburghI love a little breeze to add some fun! Kylie’s bridesmaids cheered her on from the sidelines during her portraits and the breeze showed up as a supporting cast member while Kylie rocked it! She was absolutely glowing!
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh

I love the guys difference in suit colors! They were all looking quite dapper!
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh

Kylie had a little gift picked for Brian too.
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh

Just before their ceremony, they snuck into the closed of section of the ballroom for a first touch and prayer time. A first look was not for them, but this small moment was the perfect way to start their ceremony. Keeping their day centered on God and having a sweet moment to themselves.
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh

The July heat was a bit much for the ceremony to take place on Valley Brook’s lawn, so they opted to have it indoors where their guests could enjoy the air-conditioning.
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh

A little prayer time before Kylie’s father passed her hand to Brian.
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh

I’m here to say that the ballroom is lovely as a reception room but just as stunning as a ceremony space as well.

Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh

The lighting was amazing down below the little stream on the golf course.
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding PittsburghAn indoor ceremony and an outdoor reception. Kylie and Brian mixed it up at Valley Brook and I’m not mad about it at all. The look was unique and so pretty! The clubhouse’s creamy paint colors pair well with their wedding colors. Cute light strands were hung to add a little more glow into the evening and the ceremony florals joined the ensemble to tie the day’s look together.
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Valley Brook Country Club Summer Outdoor Wedding Reception Pittsburgh / Jackson Signature Photography
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Valley Brook Country Club Summer Outdoor Wedding Reception Pittsburgh / Jackson Signature Photography
Valley Brook Country Club Summer Outdoor Wedding Reception Pittsburgh / Jackson Signature Photography
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh
Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding Pittsburgh

Brian & Kylie,

Thank you so much for including Aaron and I in your wedding day! You hope you have the most blessed marriage!


Tiffany & Aaron

All of the AMAZING Pittsburgh area wedding vendors that brought Brian & Kylie’s wedding day to life at Valley Brook Country Club

VENUE: Valley Brook Country Club


FLORIST: Petal Pushers

DJ: DJ Rocking Steve

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