
The Jacksons Weekly | 2.18.19

Around the House- I know you all just love Valentines Day (LOL) so rather than bore you to death with a sappy Valentine card or flowers from Aaron, how about I share a cute baby giving valentine cards instead.

The Jacksons Weekly_Greensburg & Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Wedding & Portrait Photographers _Jackson Signature Photography_0020.jpgOn Valentine’s Day Caroline went to all of her grandparents homes and we gave them each a little valentine she had made. Mommy underestimated how difficult it would be to get a very active almost toddler’s foot prints on seven different cards. The idea seemed super cute but once her little feet were stuck in paint, I realized I made a mistake.

Thankfully they turned out fairly well and with a little bit of sharpie and chalk paint, lady bugs and butterflies on paper looked a bit more realistic. While her footprint smudges didn’t exactly make the best ladybug body and butterfly wings, it’s the thought that counts.

The Jacksons Weekly_Greensburg & Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Wedding & Portrait Photographers _Jackson Signature Photography_0022.jpgEach Valentines Day my dad, Aaron and Charlie make a meal for us ladies at my parent’s house.

The Jacksons Weekly_Greensburg & Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Wedding & Portrait Photographers _Jackson Signature Photography_0021.jpgBaby Caroline- Just so you know, shopping carts in Michael’s Craft stores just don’t work with baby seats. This is poor Caroline’s reaction right after she fell down into the cart. It’s hard to see but one hard is on her chest like, “Oh my gosh that scared me!” The other one is out like, “what the heck mom!”

Jackson Adventures– On Saturday we drove to State College to visit our little Godson for his 3rd birthday and while I totally forgot to get photo of him till he was down for a nap, Caroline got a few. hahaha
The Jacksons Weekly_Greensburg & Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Wedding & Portrait Photographers _Jackson Signature Photography_0019.jpg

Upcoming & Exciting- Don’t forget Caroline’s photo special on all portrait sessions from now till the end of March for her birthday! All portrait sessions are 25% off!!!


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Also, if you are engaged, don’t forget to enter the ENGAGEMENT SESSION GIVE-A-WAY!!!!


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