
First Home | Our Journey Thus Far

On a gusty 9 degree January day with snow dusting the ground we moved from our two bedroom townhouse to a two bedroom, house in need of more work than I knew it needed. Our first house had been purchased and the move had begun. No U-haul was need just several car, SUV and truck loads were required. ...

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Camping at Cook Forest State Park

We took a few personal days last week. When most people hear the words small business owners and vacation together, the usual sentence following involves comments about how lucky we are that we can just up and take a vacation whenever. Well there are two sides to that story. While just picking up ...

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Secret Falls and Friends | Weekend Wrap-Up

We are basking in the last few free weekends before the most crazy wedding month ever happens! We took a little walk/hike to some secret falls here and enjoyed a friends big 30th birthday. Things don't always go as planned but we at least got a few things done this weekend and enjoyed some ...

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Weekend Wrap-up | Febuary 16th

I think next year we will stay home and not leave the house on February 15th... Last year I was in a car accident thanks to icy roads and my little Honda CRV's seatbelt malfunctioned so I went through the airbag. This year Aaron and I took a little adventure and ended up with his truck stuck in the ...

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