
A Peak Into Our Wedding | Wedding Wednesday

Aaron and I were married a little over 2 years ago on a chilly October day. It seems so long ago already but I think that is because we keep such busy schedules and time flies by. I remember someone telling me along the way that the little details don't matter. I don't think I have even been more ...

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The Dress | A Friday Favorite

So our 2014 wedding season is over and the 2015 season is about to start, but before we get to far into the 2015 season, I wanted to spotlight a few of our favorite things from 2014. With each post, I would also like to include a little take home wedding tip. Today we spotlight my favorite dress. ...

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Our 2015 Goals

So every year I have been setting some goals for the business. This year, we worked together on the goals. We are both excited to announce with we will now be taking up to 20-25 weddings a year! Over the last 2 years, I have been trying to cut out the things that I don't have as much of a passion ...

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