
Lemon & Honey Water | Personal

Lemon & honey water, a health and welness trend that actually does work. For once, I started something before it was trending. lol

This might get a little to personal, but the reason lemon and honey water became a morning routine, was due to stomach issues. Believe it or not, I have the the lemon and honey water to be quite beneficial!

Simplified Planner, Wedding Photographer

Each morning, or when I have the time before rushing out the door, I heat up my little tea pot, squeeze half a lemon into my favorite mug and add about a teaspoon of local honey to the mug as well. Once I hear the familiar sound of my teapot whistleling, I just add water to the lemon and honey and enjoy!


Note: I have found the best results with organic lemons, but since those can get a little pricy, I don’t often use them. I do however, use natural local honey. My grandma and uncle are bee keepers. If you would like some as well, I can totally hook you up! Local honey is also good for allergies and cold figthing.

Simplified Planner, Wedding Photographer

Here are just a few benefits from drinking lemon and honey water…
– Aids in better digestion
– Helps with a sore throat, cough, and congestion
– Can give your energy levels a boost and improve your mood
– Can help give you a natural glow and clear skin

Simplified Planner, Wedding Photographer


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