
Kirstin’s Ligonier Senior Portrait Session

Theater, church and the outdoors are in Kirstin’s top favorite things to do. She is a girl after my own heart. Well, minus the theater part. If you ask Aaron he would say I am dramatic enough to perform on stage but I think I would get to much stage fright. Thankfully Kirstin is much better at it than I. Today on the blog I am sharing her stunning Ligonier Senior Portrait Session.

Kristen's Ligonier Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg Senior Portrait Photographer.

Our first stop was city hall on the Diamond. It’s classic tall pillars made a lovely backdrop for Kirstin and the white painted railings added a little foreground to a few photos drawing your attention to her stunning and lovely blue eyes.
Kristen's Ligonier Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg Senior Portrait Photographer.Kristen's Ligonier Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg Senior Portrait Photographer.
Kristen's Ligonier Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg Senior Portrait Photographer.

A quick wardrobe change for her college of choice! She is there now getting all settled into her freshman year!!! I hope it’s all you dreamed it would be Kirstin!!!
Kristen's Ligonier Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg Senior Portrait Photographer.
Kristen's Ligonier Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg Senior Portrait Photographer.
Kristen's Ligonier Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg Senior Portrait Photographer.
Kristen's Ligonier Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg Senior Portrait Photographer.

Girl, you are lovely!! We took a little drive down the road and borrowed her neighbors front yard. They just to happened to have a small winding stream and a willow tree! Senior portrait session goals right there. 🙂
Kristen's Ligonier Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg Senior Portrait Photographer.
Kristen's Ligonier Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg Senior Portrait Photographer.
Kristen's Ligonier Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg Senior Portrait Photographer.
Kristen's Ligonier Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg Senior Portrait Photographer.
Kristen's Ligonier Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg Senior Portrait Photographer.
Kristen's Ligonier Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg Senior Portrait Photographer.
Kristen's Ligonier Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg Senior Portrait Photographer.
Kristen's Ligonier Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg Senior Portrait Photographer.

If a the stream and willow tree weren’t perfect enough, Kirstin brought her darling bike along too. A little ride down and road, a burst of sunshine and a lovely senior all mixed together for some stunning photos!
Kristen's Ligonier Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg Senior Portrait Photographer.

This one is a favorite BUT so are all the others. 😉
Kristen's Ligonier Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg Senior Portrait Photographer.
Kristen's Ligonier Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg Senior Portrait Photographer.
Kristen's Ligonier Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg Senior Portrait Photographer.
Kristen's Ligonier Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg Senior Portrait Photographer.
Kristen's Ligonier Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg Senior Portrait Photographer.
Kristen's Ligonier Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg Senior Portrait Photographer.
Kristen's Ligonier Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg Senior Portrait Photographer.

We MIGHT have done this look twice because the sun wasn’t out the first time and is came back out. I was being a sunshine diva and Kirstin was up for a few more so why not. She stole the show for both looks though.
Kristen's Ligonier Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg Senior Portrait Photographer.
Kristen's Ligonier Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg Senior Portrait Photographer.
Kristen's Ligonier Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg Senior Portrait Photographer.


I am so excited I was able to capture your senior portraits and wrap-up your senior year with you! I can’t wait for all God has for you in this next phase of your life! Cheers to your freshman year!



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