
Jackson Christmas 2019 | Cottage Christmas Decor

Another holiday season has come and gone and with it are plenty of delightful for memories. Caroline is almost two so this year was exceptionally fun not only for her but Aaron and I. Enjoy today’s blog post with all the Christmas day magic, our little cottage Christmas decor tour and Caroline’s Christmas portraits that I finally took a few days ago.Pittsburgh wedding photographer, Jackson Signature Photography's 2019 Christmas and cottage style home decor blog post.Duke got his annual tree photo. He always cracks me up because of his personality and expressions. I swear he thinks he is part human.
Pittsburgh wedding photographer, Jackson Signature Photography's 2019 Christmas and cottage style home decor blog post.
Pittsburgh wedding photographer, Jackson Signature Photography's 2019 Christmas and cottage style home decor blog post.Someone was peeking to see what was his under the Christmas tree.
Pittsburgh wedding photographer, Jackson Signature Photography's 2019 Christmas and cottage style home decor blog post.Caroline woke Christmas morning with the most crazy bed head I have ever seen. I was going to tame it but Aaron said that we should leave it alone it was authentic. The wild hair was a one-of-a kind look for Christmas day this year for sure. Thankfully I did try and tame it before we went visiting.Pittsburgh wedding photographer, Jackson Signature Photography's 2019 Christmas and cottage style home decor blog post.
Pittsburgh wedding photographer, Jackson Signature Photography's 2019 Christmas and cottage style home decor blog post.
Pittsburgh wedding photographer, Jackson Signature Photography's 2019 Christmas and cottage style home decor blog post.Caroline loved watching Duke open his gifts. I’m not sure if she enjoyed opening hers or watching him more. Either way, as a mom, it was delightful to watch.
Pittsburgh wedding photographer, Jackson Signature Photography's 2019 Christmas and cottage style home decor blog post.
Pittsburgh wedding photographer, Jackson Signature Photography's 2019 Christmas and cottage style home decor blog post.Did you have the Hungry Hippos game as a kid? I did and I LOVED it! I couldn’t resist buying this fun family game for us all and the photo below with Caroline playing couldn’t be more perfect. She LOVES making the hippos eat. The only struggle is when she tries to feed them annual… aka takes the ball and lifts up their heads to feed them. It’s still cute to watch though.Pittsburgh wedding photographer, Jackson Signature Photography's 2019 Christmas and cottage style home decor blog post.After a little nap because someone was grumpy, her big gift came out. I have been saving this little Playskool cottage for almost a year for her. It’s an old retired set that I picked up from another family for next to nothing. I have now been collecting the retired pieces that go inside of it of Ebay since.
Pittsburgh wedding photographer, Jackson Signature Photography's 2019 Christmas and cottage style home decor blog post.“Gasp!”

“For me?”

“Yay!”Pittsburgh wedding photographer, Jackson Signature Photography's 2019 Christmas and cottage style home decor blog post.I think it was a hit!
Pittsburgh wedding photographer, Jackson Signature Photography's 2019 Christmas and cottage style home decor blog post.
Pittsburgh wedding photographer, Jackson Signature Photography's 2019 Christmas and cottage style home decor blog post.
Pittsburgh wedding photographer, Jackson Signature Photography's 2019 Christmas and cottage style home decor blog post.
Pittsburgh wedding photographer, Jackson Signature Photography's 2019 Christmas and cottage style home decor blog post.Next up for you is our little cottage Christmas decor tour. I kept the red that I started adding a few years ago and I’m still loving it. As soon as this weekend’s wedding is over the tree is coming down though and the navy blue is coming back.
Pittsburgh wedding photographer, Jackson Signature Photography's 2019 Christmas and cottage style home decor blog post.
Pittsburgh wedding photographer, Jackson Signature Photography's 2019 Christmas and cottage style home decor blog post.I’m not going to lie though, I will greatly miss the warm and cozy glow of the Christmas tree when it comes down. It’s pretty dead now though so I have to watch leaving the lights on. We don’t need the house to go up in flames over pretty twinkle lights.Pittsburgh wedding photographer, Jackson Signature Photography's 2019 Christmas and cottage style home decor blog post.This year we added this old guy to the house. For years I have wanted to place a piano in this spot and when Aaron’s mom wanted to get rid of it, I scooped it up.  My manger fit perfectly! Now I am working on adding old family photos to the wall above it. There are a few fillers in the frames till I get more family wedding photos but for now the frames are filled.
Pittsburgh wedding photographer, Jackson Signature Photography's 2019 Christmas and cottage style home decor blog post.
Pittsburgh wedding photographer, Jackson Signature Photography's 2019 Christmas and cottage style home decor blog post.Each year I buy garland for the fireplace and the railing outside and with the extra I make a card area. Do you see your family card on there?
Pittsburgh wedding photographer, Jackson Signature Photography's 2019 Christmas and cottage style home decor blog post.Even little Caroline’s table was decked out for Christmas.
Pittsburgh wedding photographer, Jackson Signature Photography's 2019 Christmas and cottage style home decor blog post.
Pittsburgh wedding photographer, Jackson Signature Photography's 2019 Christmas and cottage style home decor blog post.Lastly I bring you Caroline’s VERY LATE Christmas photos. Oops!
Pittsburgh wedding photographer, Jackson Signature Photography's 2019 Christmas and cottage style home decor blog post.
Pittsburgh wedding photographer, Jackson Signature Photography's 2019 Christmas and cottage style home decor blog post.

She is not allowed to touch the tree but since she was overly tired and not really wanting me to take here photos, I let her touch it. The photon the middle cracks me up the most. She looked up at me with a “hehe touching the ornaments mom” look. I was dying!
Pittsburgh wedding photographer, Jackson Signature Photography's 2019 Christmas and cottage style home decor blog post.
Pittsburgh wedding photographer, Jackson Signature Photography's 2019 Christmas and cottage style home decor blog post.
Pittsburgh wedding photographer, Jackson Signature Photography's 2019 Christmas and cottage style home decor blog post.
Pittsburgh wedding photographer, Jackson Signature Photography's 2019 Christmas and cottage style home decor blog post.
Pittsburgh wedding photographer, Jackson Signature Photography's 2019 Christmas and cottage style home decor blog post.
Pittsburgh wedding photographer, Jackson Signature Photography's 2019 Christmas and cottage style home decor blog post.

I think photographing other people’s kids is sooo much easier. Friends, I broke down and bribed my child with a snack. That was an all time low for me. Caroline is already starting to get that “my mom’s a photographer not going to listen” attitude. Great! Thank goodness for snacks! hehe
Pittsburgh wedding photographer, Jackson Signature Photography's 2019 Christmas and cottage style home decor blog post.
Pittsburgh wedding photographer, Jackson Signature Photography's 2019 Christmas and cottage style home decor blog post.

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season friends and were able to relax a little and enjoy those you love!

Aaron, Tiffany Caroline & Duke


  1. Cheryl Vogrig says

    I so enjoyed spending a few minutes enjoying the pictures of your gorgeous daughter and your welcoming home. Lovely! Enjoy every moment of caroline – they grow so quickly!

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