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Our Godson’s First Birthday | State College | Weekend Wrap-up
Welcome to another installment of our “Weekend Wrap-up” posts! Despite it not being wedding season, our weekends seam to keep up rather busy regardless. This past weekend we had the pleasure of visiting our godson for his first birthday! While he might not have been looking for the photo with us since the ducks at the park were far more interesting, he still looked cute.
Shortly after he was born, Aaron and I had a onesie special made for him. Baby Aaron’s reading “The Godson” and My Aaron’s reading “The Godfather”. Cleaver, right? Well for his birthday, since it not longer fit him, we purchased a little stuffed dog to now wear the onesie. The stuffed dog is about as big as baby Aaron, but it is still just to cute!
So Saturday we spent the day celebrating little Aaron turing one and Sunday we relaxed and played with him. He is already walking and trying to talk. Kids grow up so fast! I wish they could stay this tiny forever!