
Friends & Neighbors | Weekend Wrap-Up

It’s crazy how somethings just fall into place… When Katie and Jesse met with Aaron and I to book last December, somehow to got on the “where we live” topic. We came to find out that their new home was 2 minutes from ours. So now we not only have two friends but neighbors as well and I are rather excited for them! There day was perfect in every way! Stay tuned for more photos on #WeddingWednesday!

Classic Rustin Wedding in Greensburg at Rizzo's by Jackson Signature Photography
Oh and did I mention that there were fireworks!?!?!!!!! The crabtree fireworks are always lovely but these two had their own personal fireworks at Rizzo’s on Saturday and it was smashing!!

Classic Rustin Wedding with fireworks in Greensburg at Rizzo's by Jackson Signature Photography
We stayed a little longer just to get these pics. Off camera flash in the dark is not really our style but I think this will do. 😉

Happy Monday!

Rizzo’s Greensburg Wedding

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