The Jacksons in Real Life

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Six has always seamed like a big number for Caroline to turn in my head. I think it might be because I vividly remember a lot from my 6 year old life. In my 6 year old head I remember feeling so grown up. This year the not so little miss Caroline hit her milestone […]

Caroline’s Milestone 6th Golden Birthday Portraits | Latrobe

Photography, Portrait Session, The Jacksons in Real Life

golden butterflies floating in the foreground and background with a little girl in a light pink dress

It’s not every day you have a special guest at your tea party. This delightful fellow not only arrived at her tea party BUT at her birthday party. Talk about a wild time. 😉 With all that was happening in March, I wasn’t sure that Caroline’s second birthday photos would happen BUT they finally did. […]

Caroline’s 2nd Birthday Giraffe Tea Party | Greenesburg Portrait Photographer

Greensburg, Personal, Portrait Session, The Jacksons in Real Life

Caroline's 2nd Birthday Giraffe Tea Party

An almost 2 year old and a 5 hour flight need I say more? Mom friends, if you are flying don’t let that free seat till they are 2 tempt you unless they are a baby. Buy the extra seat! We woke her up at about 2:30AM to leave for the airport and she didn’t […]

California Adventure | Travel Wedding Photographer

Destination Photographer, Elopement Photographer, Personal, The Jacksons in Real Life

I’m pretty sure she will roll her eyes and tell me how she can’t believe I would put her in this outfit when she is older, but for now, I am enjoying how cute she looks in it. Caroline had a mini portrait session on our Naples Beach vacation. She also met a giraffe, went […]

Naples Beach Vacation | Wedding Portrait Photographer Florida

Personal, The Jacksons in Real Life