Portrait Session

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Last Wednesday Caroline turned one and Mommy bought her a special outfit for the day. We picked up some balloons after our big birthday outing and headed home to take a few photos. After all the portrait sessions I have photographed over the years, this one was by far the hardest I think. There is […]

Caroline’s First Birthday Photos | Greensburg Portrait Photographer

Greensburg, Personal, Pittsburgh, Portrait Session, The Jacksons in Real Life

Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer

Greensburg Newborn Portrait Photographer I can’t believe this little girl is almost one already. Caroline Rose has brought so much life to our little home and as she rounds the bend on her first birthday I realized I didn’t share her newborn portraits or really anything about her since she was born. She quickly took […]

Caroline’s Newborn Portraits

Greensburg, Personal, Portrait Session, The Jacksons in Real Life

Greensburg Newborn and Portrait Photographer

2018 is coming to a close and we just wanted to take a moment to say Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from our family to yours! We have had a lot of changes over the year and things look a lot different than last year. Thank you all for your support and love as […]

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year From The Jacksons

Personal, Portrait Session, The Jacksons in Real Life

Christmas Family Mini Portrait Session at Ridilla Tree Farm Latrobe_Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Pennsylvania and Latrobe Family Portrait Photographer

Last year they cut down their family tree with Mia being only a little over six months old. Now she is over a year and a half old and walking around picking her own trees.  While mommy and daddy didn’t pick her elected tree, she still loved the one they found. This little day of […]

McDowell Family Christmas Photos at Ridilla’s Tree Farm | Latrobe Family Portrait Session

Portrait Session

McDowell family Christmas photos Ridilla's Tree Farm Latrobe Family Portrait Photographer

Mike and Amanda’s first anniversary was approaching and a few months prior, Mike asked me to take their first anniversary photos. He had wanted to surprise Amanda with the session but as we girls know, we love to plan. Not long after, Amanda too had contacted me about their first anniversary session. Thankfully they were on […]

Amanda & Mike | Greensburg Anniversary Photographer

Anniversary Sessions, Portrait Session

Amanda & Mike's Picnic Greensburg Anniversary Session by Jackson Signature Photography