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Six has always seamed like a big number for Caroline to turn in my head. I think it might be because I vividly remember a lot from my 6 year old life. In my 6 year old head I remember feeling so grown up. This year the not so little miss Caroline hit her milestone […]

Caroline’s Milestone 6th Golden Birthday Portraits | Latrobe

Photography, Portrait Session, The Jacksons in Real Life

golden butterflies floating in the foreground and background with a little girl in a light pink dress

Aside from the joy of watching my clients view their photos as they see the memories created, I think I love the relationships over the years just as much. The families and their friends over time as I photograph the milestones is so rewarding. Bella’s downtown Pittsburgh Strip District high school senior portrait session was […]

Bella’s Downtown Pittsburgh Strip District and Parking Garage High School Senior Portraits

Photography, Pittsburgh, Seniors

I’m always posting weddings and chatting about them but I often forget to share all of my portrait sessions. A few years ago I brought back portrait photography to better serve my wedding couples. I had created such wonderful bonds with them and I didn’t want them to have to go elsewhere for portrait sessions. […]

Baby Ava’s Newborn Portrait Session | Greensburg Portrait Photographer

Greensburg, Photography, Portrait Session

Baby Ava's Newborn Portrait Session