If could sum this whole post up in one sentence… Pregnancy and birth are simply magical! I still remember Caroline’s birth like it was yesterday. While they say that if we could remember it all we would never have children again, I find that to be false. I remember most of Caroline’s birth and even […]
Jackson Adventures– This weeks adventure took us to Lake Erie. My Christmas present from Aaron was a trip to Erie to see one of our favorite Christian Comedian, John Crist and visit the lighthouses. While poor Aaron’s Air B&B plans fell through, there was someone in our booked Air B&B, we snagged up the last room at […]
Around the House- I know you all just love Valentines Day (LOL) so rather than bore you to death with a sappy Valentine card or flowers from Aaron, how about I share a cute baby giving valentine cards instead. On Valentine’s Day Caroline went to all of her grandparents homes and we gave them each a […]