
Caroline’s First Birthday Photos | Greensburg Portrait Photographer

Last Wednesday Caroline turned one and Mommy bought her a special outfit for the day. We picked up some balloons after our big birthday outing and headed home to take a few photos. After all the portrait sessions I have photographed over the years, this one was by far the hardest I think. There is something about photographing your own kiddo that makes it so much harder. So after this I need someone else kiddo to photograph. hint hint 😉

If you have missed the memo, all this month for Caroline’s birthday

PORTRAIT SESSIONS are 25% OFF!!!! (see the details at the bottom of the post.)

Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer
Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer
Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer
Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer
Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer
Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer
This girl is a total cheese. We call this her scrunchy smile but it’s currently her signature smile look. Caroline Firsth Birthday Baby Portraits and Flower Decor Birthday by Jackson Siganture Photography a Greensburg and Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer
After a very short birthday nap, daddy came home and it was time to open presents.
Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer
Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer
Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer

When party day came I created a flower and greenery backdrop for her and needed a model to test it out… Poor Duke.
Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer

“When your sibling is a girl and your mom thinks it’s ok to use big brother as the perfect backdrop tester.”  – Duke
Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer
Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer
Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer

Right before her party she got her teething rash again be cause molar #2 is coming in and while I could here every client in the back of my mind asking me to remove the little rash I couldn’t do it. These photos document her 1st year and teething and molars have been a big part of it so the rash stays.
Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer

This girl is proud of her 8 teeth. Two on the bottom, 4 on the top in the center and 2 molars are coming in.
Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer

Caroline’s other signature look. “What?” “Huh?” “Excuse me?”
Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer
Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer
Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer
Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer
Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer
Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer
Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer

Party #1’s smash cake was a “smashing” success!
Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer
Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer

She picked off every berry and ate it before eating the cake. This momma taught this girl well. 😉
Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer

These are my favorite photos ever of her I think. This girl LOVES food and she every so delicately but hungrily ate this cake. Not all of it but she did some major damage before daddy said no more cake.
Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer
Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer
Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer
Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer
Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer
Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer
Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer
Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer
Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer
Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer
Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer
Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer
Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer

My two hams.
Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer
Caroline's first birthday party and portraits by Jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg & Pittsburgh Family & Baby Portrait Photographer

See all the decor detail photos on Joy Fill Occasion’s blog on Friday! <3

If you have missed the memo, all this month for Caroline’s birthday



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