
Caroline’s 4th Birthday Portraits | Spring Peter Rabbit Mini Session

My baby girl is no longer a baby anymore but a four year old little girl now. For her birthday this year she asked to have a Peter Rabbit themed party, so naturally, a spring Peter Rabbit portrait session would follow. I surprised her with a small furry friend to join at the end of her mini portrait session. My sister brought her sweet little bunny to snuggle.

When you’re a photographer’s kid, you get a few good anooyed faces like this in a session. Caroline is a champ though despite always having her portait taken. I couldn’t resist adding a few “out-takes” of how “excited” she was for her portraits.

This girl is such a cheese. She is silly and goofy and fun. A total hoot!

After her party I packed up all the Peter Rabbit decorations and we brought them all to her mini session. I usually buy fresh greens but time was not on our side I ordered faux greens instead. Gasp! I had to cringe a little inside but they work perfectly!

Her 4th birthday portrait might have had a Peter Rabbit spring garden theme but I also feel as though she is channeling a little Anne of Green Gables too. She has the imagination of Anne as well. Stay creative my little one!

Yet again, another moment of “can we please be done mom?”

Spring Peter Rabbit Mini Session

This was Caroline’s first bunny experience and she was a bit leary. Lilly, the bunny, moved a little faster than she was ready for but the two soon became friends. Thankfully Caroline loves animals so she rolled with the experience.

What little girl chooses a Peter Rabbit birthday theme? This little one. 🙂 A friend said that I always have such cute unique themes for her. I can’t really take any credit though. It’s all this little girl and her imagination.

Spring Peter Rabbit Mini Session

Spring Peter Rabbit Mini Session

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