For those of you who do not know I am on vacation in Fort Myers, Florida currently. I left on Sunday night after my little sisters ice-skating show. We drove from 4:30-12:30 and stopped for the night in Fort Mills, SC. We were off the next morning around ten and finally reached out resort about […]

A Trip to the Naples Zoo


This years Triangle Institute of Professional Photography Group. It is now the end of my second your at TIPP. Each year a new experience with new tips and learning to apply to my photography. The class I took was called: All in the Light. It was taught by Ken Sklute. He is a wedding and […]

Triangle Institute of Professional Photography

Personal, Wedding

I am usually not one to join groups or do progressive assignments, but for once in my life I decided to just go for it. So on February 14th I joined what is called “Foto 365.” The object of this Facebook page is for several photographers to post a photo a day. Hence the “365” […]

Foto 365


A few months ago, I ask all of our Facebook fans to vote on a photo I took. There were three different edits done to the same photo and I could not decide what style edit I wanted to include in next years Photo Gallery Collection. The votes are in…

And the Final Vote Is….


So last night I was laying in bed tyring to figure out how I could better serve my clients with my studio space…. at 1:30 AM I figured it out… I just had the rooms in the wrong places. At 10:30 this morning with the help of a good friend we turned the studio inside […]

I Turned the Place UpSide Down!
