Phew what a weekend! It rained. It snowed. It sleeted. It was beautiful! I was a little worried about how it was all going to play out but everything came together perfectly! I have learned to value check lists even more then usual. So much so that I had to create a full wedding day […]

Weekend Wrap-Up | Ligonier Wedding Weekend

Personal, The Jacksons in Real Life

It’s Friday. A Friday before a wedding.  So what does that mean? It’s lots of gear prep and planning. Making sure everything is in tip top shape! We even have a handy wedding photography checklist. There are wedding timelines to go over one last time with each other to make sure we are on the same […]

The Day Before the Wedding | Wedding Photography Checklist

The Jacksons in Real Life, Wedding

Jackson Signature Photography, Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer, Wedding, Photographer, Photography, Destination Wedding Photographer, Pennsylvania Wedding Photographer

Nichole & Brandon are married!!!!! This weekends first wedding of the season was a smashing sucsess!! The day couldn’t have been more perfect! Here is a little peak into their day! More to come soon!

PREVIEW: Nichole & Brandon | Willow Room Wedding


Jackson Signature Photography, Our lady or Grace Wedding, Willow Room Wedding, Pennsylvania Wedding Photographer, Greensburg Wedding Photographer, Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer

Personal planner planning…. Say that one a few times fast and you’ll likely end up tounge twisted. So if you are anything like me, you have a stack of planners in a drawer or closet somewehre and you have no idea what you are ever to do with them. Should you throw them out? Should […]

Planner Planning | Personal

Friday Favorites, Personal

It’s here!!! Wedding season 2015 is beginning! So what does that mean for Aaron and I? It means busy weekends with wonderful couples saying “I do!” and weeknights filled with wedding planning, engagement sessions and making sure Aaron and I pause to take time for each other. It’s suites and dresses. Late nights and early […]

Wedding Season 2015 Starts Saturday!!

Wedding, Wedding Wednesday