Most of our seniors stop in the studio for their senior session consult and have no idea what they might want to do or where they might want to go, but not this time. Hillary had all sorts of wonderful ideas and props to go with her ideas. She is a girl after my own […]

Hilllary | Senior Portraits Greensburg


When Zack proposed on April 1st of this year, he was not fooling. Zack and Sarah had met years prior on college but thier lives went separate ways. Now years later, they have become best friends and now soon to be husbad and wife. Meet Zack & Sarah! Pittsburgh Engagement Session

Sarah & Zack | Pittsburgh Engagement Session | Jackson Signature Photography

Engagement, Wedding

These two are getting married next month but first we stopped by Greendance Winery for an Engagement Session. Stay tuned for there lovely wedding on August first!! 

Melissa & Brad | Greendance Winery Engagement Session


An elegant French Country Wedding at Springfield Manor in Thurmont, Maryland. Chloe and Nathan had met years prior to dating. Their best friends, now married, had introduced them to each other. From acquaintances to friends, their first date soon became the start of something. Nathan proposed a few years later on Christmas Eve after they had been […]

Chloe & Nathan | Springfield Manor Wedding

Wedding, Wedding Wednesday

Aaron and I were coffee shop bound with a couple I had never met; her mom had booked us several months prior. Now usually all of our couples meet with us prior to booking, but this time I hadn’t even chatted with the bride prior. To say the least, I was nervous. Oh I knew it would all go well […]

Marissa & Justin’s Wedding | Wedding Photographer Latrobe, PA

Wedding, Wedding Wednesday

Jackson Signature Photography, Latrobe Wedding Photographer, Latrobe Wedding, Cooperstown Event Center Weding, Pennsylvania Wedding Photographer