As always, we try and keep things eventful around here. I don’t think there is ever a dull moment.This weekend we FINALLY got to hang out with these two and take their engagement photos. I don’t think I have ever had to re-schedule a shoot more than their engagement session. It was starting to get […]

A Bittersweet Weekend | Weekend Wrap Up


Mobile Office Jackson Signature Photography

Melissa & Brad’s Bella Sera Pittsburgh Wedding by Jackson Signature Photography Aaron and I had met Melissa it was at a Wedding Clickers bridal show last year. A few weeks later, we had the pleasure of meeting Brad as well. The two had stopped in the studio and we quickly fell info conversation about a love for coffee […]

Melissa & Brad | Bella Sera Pittsburgh Wedding

Wedding, Wedding Wednesday

Bella Sera Pittsburgh Wedding by Jackson Signature Photography

When Vanessa came into the studio, she was wearing the most comfy looking sweater I have ever seen. I immediately knew we would hit it off since I too, am a comfy sweater loving person. Vanessa’s senior portrait session took place in the Strip District of Pittsburgh and out on the point. Two places I […]

Vanessa | Pittsburgh Senior Portrait Photographer


Summer is here and August is just flying bye! I can’t believe it’s already the 10th! Goodness! Last August was so chill complete with a long trip to camp in the white mountains and this year is jam-packed! I don’t even have sessions left! With such a busy schedule, I have been trying to take […]

Summer Is Here | Weekend Wrap-Up

Personal, The Jacksons in Real Life

A Water Works Greensburg Wedding by Jackson Signature Photography There is family and then there is Justin and Julie’s family. Oh my! The love their families have for them is just so beautiful! I was crying, they were crying; there were happy tears all around! I know I joke and say I cry at every Wedding […]

Justin & Julie | Water Works Greensburg Wedding

Wedding, Wedding Wednesday