Jeff and Liz were giddy with gleeful giggles during their historic downtown Butler summer engagement session. The sweet couple posed and played in Liz’s hometown of Butler during their shoot. The young couples affection cast glowing smiles on their faces as the sun cast a golden haze on the happy pair. Jeff and Liz met […]
Abbey is a Laurel Highlands senior that adores the classic charm of the sweet town of Ligonier. This beautiful brunette radiates intelligence behind her beaming smile and sweet maple brown eyes. She is active in an honor society in school, tutors, and belongs to science club and the marching band. This senior shows off her trendy […]
Jen and Gary’s Mannitto Golf Club wedding captured the romantic rusticity of simple country elegance. The couple chose Mannitto Golf club because the venue captures their simple country style, is close to Gary’s family and is close to where the couple enjoys riding their motorcycles together. Jen and Gary enjoy being outdoors together, in fact, […]
Each month, I designate one of our Jackson Signature Photography’s weekly wedding tips to our brides for the blog. This month I selected a topic that might be a tough one but I think it can be a forgotten one. Today I’m talking about thinking about your bridal party. Through your wedding planning process, your […]
Madison’s Bedford Springs senior portrait session captures her sweet, laid back personality. This sassy senior showed off her trendy style in a set of casual but cute outfits. Madison was a beaming beauty during her sunny Bedford Springs session. The location screamed southern comfort but this lovely lady definitely brought the charm to it. Madison […]