“A country outdoor boy meets city loving sometimes over the top girl” Let me just start out by saying how much I adore these two and how excited Aaron and I are that they are now Mr & Mrs. Alex and Jesse’s wedding day couldn’t have been more perfect. Their vision was to have a […]

Alex & Jesse’s Collingswood Ballroom Wedding | New Jersey Wedding Photographer

Destination Photographer, Wedding, Wedding Wednesday

Collingswood Ballroom Wedding

Welcome to our travel adventure themed gender reveal party! Did you ever feel like your mom sense was off? I totally did BIG TIME on this one but you all seamed to be more in tune than I was. You see, I thought baby J or as we call this little one, little Bug was […]

Baby J’s Travel Adventure Themed Gender Reveal Party | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer

Personal, The Jacksons in Real Life

Goodness I can’t tell you how much having a go-to girl for your wedding day can save you soooo much stress. One of my poor bride was left to do set-up, send family members to the ceremony area, gather family for the ceremony, etc. The “point person” the venue had promised was not there and […]

Your Wedding Coordinator | Wedding Tips | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer

Wedding, Wedding Planning, Wedding Tips & Planning, Wedding Wednesday

West Overton Barn Wedding Connelsville Wedding pHotographer Jackson Signature Photography a Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer

In August Aaron and I announced that a little bundle of joy will be joining our home in March. Our announcement was posted on Facebook and Instargram but I’m just getting around to posting about it on the blog. Better late than never I suppose. Since then we have had so many questions so today […]

Travel Adventure Themed Pregnancy Announcement| Baby J FAQ | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer

Personal, The Jacksons in Real Life

I don’t think I have ever met a more kind, sweet and caring person in my life. I know for certain Craig will always be cared for, loved and adored by his sweet wife Kristen. Though I only met Kristen and Craig when they booked with Aaron and I, Kristen and I have become friends […]

Kristen & Craig’s 10 Valley Farms Wedding | Connellesville Wedding Photographer

Wedding, Wedding Wednesday

10 Valley Farms Wedding Connellesville Wedding Greensburg Wedding Photographer