Over the years it’s been so fun to have the same families come back to me for their younger children. Since I’ve been a photographer for 10 years now, it’s happened quite a lot. This time though it almost took me back to my starting years.    Meet Sarah a Class of 2018 Hempfiled Senior! […]

Sarah’s Early Fall Senior Portrait Session | Greensburg Senior Portrait Photographer

Greensburg, Seniors

I’m pretty sure I shed a few tears as I put on my light pink sweater. Though we have know our sweet baby was a girl for weeks it’s still crazy to thinking thoughts in pink and flowers. I’ve been such a blue girl for so long but this sweet little girl is changing all […]

Our Winter Maternity Portraits | Personal | The Jacksons in Real Life

Personal, The Jacksons in Real Life

Winter Maternity Portraits

Tucked back in and off the beaten path Katie and Ed snuggled up for the cutest summer farm engagement session! Ed’s family has been boarding their horse at this quaint little farm from for years. When the topic of where to have their photos taken came up, this outdoors loving couple thought the farm was […]

Katie & Ed | Summer Farm Engagement Session | Greensburg Engagment Photographer

Engagement, Greensburg

Summer Farm Engagement Session Greensburg Engagement Photographer Jackson Signature Photography

This lovely lady came all the way from Johnstown for her senior portrait session at Saint Vincent College. Paige is a Conamaugh Township Class of 2018 senior and a girl who loves photography as well. As you can guess we had a grand time strolling the Saint Vincent campus chatting away. Meet Paige everyone! Girl, […]

Paige’s Saint Vincent Senior Portrait Session | Latobe Senior Portrait Photographer

Greensburg, Seniors

I know it sounds silly but I can not stress enough how important lighting is. As I am sure you know by now, I am an OCD person. Not quite over the top, yet, but I like things to be perfect. Lighting is one of those things and since it’s so key in creating a […]

How Lighting Effects Your Wedding | 5 Wedding Lighting Tips | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer

Uncategorized, Wedding, Wedding Planning, Wedding Tips & Planning, Wedding Wednesday

wedding lighting tips