Around the House- I know you all just love Valentines Day (LOL) so rather than bore you to death with a sappy Valentine card or flowers from Aaron, how about I share a cute baby giving valentine cards instead. On Valentine’s Day Caroline went to all of her grandparents homes and we gave them each a […]
How are you all liking “The Jacksons Weekly” posts? To much baby Caroline content? Should I add more work stuff? Comment below and let me know. Around the House- We are starting on the basement renovation!! YAY!! While I don’t have any photo of this yet, I will post some soon, we will have some at […]
Greensburg Newborn Portrait Photographer I can’t believe this little girl is almost one already. Caroline Rose has brought so much life to our little home and as she rounds the bend on her first birthday I realized I didn’t share her newborn portraits or really anything about her since she was born. She quickly took […]