Around the House- I know you all just love Valentines Day (LOL) so rather than bore you to death with a sappy Valentine card or flowers from Aaron, how about I share a cute baby giving valentine cards instead. On Valentine’s Day Caroline went to all of her grandparents homes and we gave them each a […]

The Jacksons Weekly | 2.18.19

Personal, The Jacksons in Real Life

The Jacksons Weekly blog post for February 18th all about Valentines Day, an engagement session give-a-way and 25% off portrait session with jackson Signature Photography a Greensburg Portrait Photographer

It’s the most anticipated event of the year for our seniors!! Our senior model search is finally here and happening!!! Each year we do a big senior model search and session. This year I stopped to ask myself why. I could just say because it’s fun and while that’s true, it’s a lot of work […]

Class of 2020 Senior Model Search is Happening Now!


Class of 2020 Senior Model Photo Session Promo with Jackson Signautre Photography a Greensburg Senior Portrait Photographer

How are you all liking “The Jacksons Weekly” posts? To much baby Caroline content? Should I add more work stuff? Comment below and let me know. Around the House- We are starting on the basement renovation!! YAY!! While I don’t have any photo of this yet, I will post some soon, we will have some at […]

The Jacksons Weekly | 2.11.19

Personal, The Jacksons in Real Life

Greensburg Newborn Portrait Photographer I can’t believe this little girl is almost one already. Caroline Rose has brought so much life to our little home and as she rounds the bend on her first birthday I realized I didn’t share her newborn portraits or really anything about her since she was born. She quickly took […]

Caroline’s Newborn Portraits

Greensburg, Personal, Portrait Session, The Jacksons in Real Life

Greensburg Newborn and Portrait Photographer

Around the House- While the Patriots might have won last night, there was only one fan in this house. My husband’s family is full of Patriots fans. They lived in New Hampshire so we will let them slide. Aaron, Duke, Caroline and I were just there for the food. I saw a meme that perfectly summed […]


Personal, The Jacksons in Real Life

The Jacksons Weekly, Greensburg & Pittsburgh Wedding and Portrait Photographers Jackson Signature Photography