New & Exciting: I went to Tennessee!!! Yep, you heard me correctly, I get a text early Thursday morning and by Thursday afternoon I was on the road Tennessee bound. Why you ask? Because this sweet couple below! 🙂 Nick asked me to photograph him proposing to Miranda and I couldn’t miss it! I packed […]

The Jacksons Weekly | 4-29-19

Personal, The Jacksons in Real Life

Konetes party of three. This awesome family was a party of two when I first started photographing them. That was several years ago on George and Jen’s wedding day. Now they are a party of three with the cutest little almost 3 year old in tow. Little Mr Jimmy was up to tons of fun […]

Konetes Family Portraits | Greensburg Portrait Photographer

Portrait Session

New & Exciting: With the start of Spring comes another set of MINI SESSIONS!!! YAY!!! Our fall and winter ones were so much fun last year that I brought them back for the spring! These mini sessions can be a mommy and me session, a family session, anniversary session or just for your little ones. […]

The Jacksons Weekly | 4.22.19

Personal, The Jacksons in Real Life

A lovely dark purple fall wedding at Saint Mary of the Mount church on Mount Washington and a reception at The Priory in downtown Pittsburgh. Krista got ready on her wedding morning at her and Matt’s home. While her favorite holiday Halloween, was just around the corner, she refrained from decorating until after her big […]

Matt & Krista’s Saint Marry of the Mount and The Priory Wedding

Pittsburgh, Wedding

While every week might not always have such fun things planned for little Caroline, I think we did her in this week. Our trip out to Lititz and Longwood Gardens with grandma plum wore her out but I think she enjoyed every minute of it. Travel & Adventure: I hadn’t been to Longwood Gardens in […]

The Jacksons Weekly | 4.15.19

Personal, The Jacksons in Real Life

The Jacksons Weekly a travel addition about a trip to Lititz, Lancaster and Longwood Gardens by Jackson Signature Photography a Lititz, Lancaster and Longwood Gardens Wedding and Portrait Photographer