Theater, church and the outdoors are in Kirstin’s top favorite things to do. She is a girl after my own heart. Well, minus the theater part. If you ask Aaron he would say I am dramatic enough to perform on stage but I think I would get to much stage fright. Thankfully Kirstin is much […]

Kirstin’s Ligonier Senior Portrait Session

Greensburg, Seniors

I spent Labor Day not laboring. Ok I still worked a little but the highlight of my day was time on the lake with Aaron and Laura Hill State Park. I have always loved this place but I forgot how pretty it really was. We actually took two trips up there this weekend. One with […]

The Jacksons Weekly | 9.3.19

Personal, The Jacksons in Real Life

It’s so easy to have baby fever after a newborn session. I mean, just look at how sweet little Clayton is. He and his mommy came over for him newborn portraits a few weeks back and I might have snuck in a few snuggles. I love how tiny and small newborns are. Every thing about […]

Baby Clayton’s Newborn Portraits

Greensburg, Portrait Session

JACKSON SIGNATURE PHOTOGRAPHY: Another week of activity has happened here. Joy Filled Occasions brides are becoming Jackson Signature Brides, final wedding planning meetings are happening and fellow vendor meet-ups are on the calendar. September is a few days away and it holds our most busy wedding month of  2019. There is always so much to […]

The Jacksons Weeky | 9.26.19

Personal, The Jacksons in Real Life

Their church, their family and a June day. The first wedding Aaron and I ever photographed together about ten years ago was at Charter Oak Church. It was shortly after we started dating and now we returned there as a husband and wife duo to photograph Savannah and Dylan become husband and wife. Yes, that’s […]

Dylan & Savannah’s Charter Oak Greensburg Wedding

Greensburg, Wedding