
The Blizzard of 2016 | Jackson Style

The blizzard of 2016… Phew! We survived! We woke up Saturday morning to about a foot of snow blanking the outside and we added about another 3-4 inches by the time it was done snowing late afternoon. It was lovely to say the least and since we were stocked up on bread and milk, there was nothing to worry about. No, but really, what is one to even make with bread and milk? They need more ingredients to really make anything worth eating. Comment on this post if you have some insight on this matter.

Anyway, we spent Saturday playing in the snow, reading, making hot cocoa and tea while yummy things cooked in the crockpot. After growing up in the country, being “snowed in” in our little neighborhood was quite nice. I guess I have always had this little notion of what living in a neighborhood would be like and this weekend was the closet thing to all I had dreamed up. I sorta wish another snowstorm would come through…

Neighbors were shoveling, snow blowing and plowing their driveways while hellos and good mornings were exchanged. All seamed to move at a casual rhythm while we enjoyed the beautiful snow that graced the ground.

Our sled riding trip took us to the favorite sledding spot in town where kids walked several blocks or through the path in the woods to ride down the hill. At the end of the night, a campfire sat atop the hill for all to warm by.

While some families watched movies and others played outside, it all seamed to bring us together or so I at least thought so.

So many times our family and neighbors get lost in the shuffle with all the work week hustle and bustle. You see having one weekend to be stuck at home really isn’t so bad.

The blizzard of 2016 fun and family by Jackson Signature Photography
The blizzard of 2016 fun and family by Jackson Signature Photography

We did head out a little further to enjoy Ligonier’s Ice Festival on Sunday. This charming pineapple was among my favorites.
The blizzard of 2016 fun and family by Jackson Signature Photography

After we joined my family to celebrate my dad’s birthday.
The blizzard of 2016 fun and family by Jackson Signature Photography

Hope you all had a safe and wonderful weekend!

– Tiffany

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