
{ home }

Home For some it's just the place you lay your head at night. For others it's a reminder of family. For me, it now reminds me of the wonderful man that is finally with me to stay. Rewind to 2009... Valentines day Two best friends were enjoying coffee at a local coffee shop. The boy ...

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Time with My Mom { Personal }

A few weeks ago I took my mom to Phipps Conservatory to enjoy the day. With so many pretty and pretty unique flowers to look at... and take photos of, we had a blast. After we ate more food than I care to admit eating at the Cheesecake factory, one of mom's favorite places. Happy Birthday ...

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Watch every sunrise like it was your last.

This morning on my way to the gym I encountered something that I have never had to before. Something that I have come close to but never on such a dreadful scale before... I had been sitting at a red light that had freshly turned green and unlike my usual routine, I waited a few extra second ...

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National Aviary

About a month ago i took my intern, Ellen, to the National Aviary. We had a blast! The birds were beautiful!     This cute lil penguin has a very inquisitive look on her face.  I love it!       To view all the photo check out my ...

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My Brand. My Energy. My Statement.

I fall in love with my profession and hobby more and more everyday. How many people do you hear saying that anymore? More often than not when you talk to people about there job, all they do is complain. They can't stand their boss. They don't have the right hours. They aren't making enough. They ...

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