I have not offered a spring mini session in quite a while, but this year, I am taking the time to make it happen and I couldn’t be more excited! Our darling fall orchard mini session location is available to us and I am hoping to catch the beautiful spring apple blossoms. Maybe I’m just […]

Apple Orchard Spring Mini Sessions | Greensburg Photographer

Greensburg, Portrait Session

family apple orchard spring mini session in Greensburg

My baby girl is no longer a baby anymore but a four year old little girl now. For her birthday this year she asked to have a Peter Rabbit themed party, so naturally, a spring Peter Rabbit portrait session would follow. I surprised her with a small furry friend to join at the end of […]

Caroline’s 4th Birthday Portraits | Spring Peter Rabbit Mini Session

Portrait Session

Peter Rabbit Portrait Session

I’m so excited to FINALLY have a moment to blog Alana’s Round Hill Park senior portrait session!!! She was one of our Class of 2020 senior models and opted for a spring senior portrait session instead. Alana’s vision was a little bit of urban with lots of greenery and a lovely lush field. Round Hill […]

Alana’s Round Hill Park Spring Senior Portrait Session


A day centered around God first and the couple second is the perfect summary for this summer Valley Brook Country Club wedding. Brian and Kylie had met years earlier, but the timing was all off. They went their separate ways after theirs paths crossed and it wasn’t until about a year before their wedding day […]

Brian Kylie Valley Brook Country Club Summer Wedding | Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, Wedding

Indoor Ceremony at Valley Brook Country Club Pittsburgh

If becoming a mom has taught me anything, it’s how fast your little ones grow. My goal, now that there are two little ones in my home, is to be intentional about stoping and savoring the moments and capturing them. I have left my camera sitting in the main portion of the house so I’m not just […]

Savor the Moments | Family Portrait Photographer Greensburg

Greensburg, Portrait Session