
A Blanket of Snow | Latrobe Photographer

It’s Christmas Eve day and I am still dreaming of a white Christmas. While the weatherman says that is not happening, a few day ago a lovely blanket of snow fell and covered the landscape by my home. Aaron and I stopped our workdays and snuck away for a few photos. The first stop was over the hill from out home.
A blanket of snow. Winter photos of Latrobe covered in snow by Jackson Signature Photography a Latrobe Photographer.

One of my favorite road to take home is a forgotten one. The curves of the road wind you back and forth but one of the things I love most about this road is the home that sits at the start of it and the field behind it.
A blanket of snow. Winter photos of Latrobe covered in snow by Jackson Signature Photography a Latrobe Photographer.

Each time I drive by I hope to see someone out and about on the lawn. Each time I pass by though, I see no one. Someday maybe I will get up enough courage to stop and knock. I just adore this little home thought. It’s everything I would ever want in our forever home. It’s mostly surrounded by rolling fields, there is a barn on the property and it’s white. Did I mention it looks great covered in snow too?
A blanket of snow. Winter photos of Latrobe covered in snow by Jackson Signature Photography a Latrobe Photographer.

So whoever owns this little home, if you even happen to read this post, I would love to buy it from you.  A blanket of snow. Winter photos of Latrobe covered in snow by Jackson Signature Photography a Latrobe Photographer.

Our next few stops were just a few spots around the area that looked splendid as we drove by.
A blanket of snow. Winter photos of Latrobe covered in snow by Jackson Signature Photography a Latrobe Photographer.
A blanket of snow. Winter photos of Latrobe covered in snow by Jackson Signature Photography a Latrobe Photographer.
A blanket of snow. Winter photos of Latrobe covered in snow by Jackson Signature Photography a Latrobe Photographer.

Swooning over here! I had Aaron pull off on the side of Route 30 heading into Ligonier to take this one. The trees were covered in a blanket of snow! It was perfect!!
A blanket of snow. Winter photos of Latrobe covered in snow by Jackson Signature Photography a Latrobe Photographer.

Our last stop might have included me hopping a little no trespassing sign BUT I photographed a wedding here and left only footprints soooo I thought that was good enough. hehe
A blanket of snow. Winter photos of Latrobe covered in snow by Jackson Signature Photography a Latrobe Photographer.
A blanket of snow. Winter photos of Latrobe covered in snow by Jackson Signature Photography a Latrobe Photographer.

If I ever get to somewhere further west, I would LOVE to see their winter. I might be scared to death of driving in the snow but I would brave it for views like this one and even better than this one.
A blanket of snow. Winter photos of Latrobe covered in snow by Jackson Signature Photography a Latrobe Photographer.
A blanket of snow. Winter photos of Latrobe covered in snow by Jackson Signature Photography a Latrobe Photographer.
A blanket of snow. Winter photos of Latrobe covered in snow by Jackson Signature Photography a Latrobe Photographer.

I hope you have enjoyed this photo adventure of my little town covered in a blanket of snow! Keep dreaming of a white Christmas friends!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Friends!!

– Tiffany


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