
{ A Jackson Christmas }

Our first Christmas….

I finally had a place of my own to decorate! Mom and I went to DEBEC and got all the pine and leafless holly to decorate. Thanksgiving weekend we picked out or tree and decorated it with fresh strung popcorn and cranberries.

Friday was Christmas cookie making day with my cousin Evie and Saturday was our first townhouse party.

Christmas at my parents house.
My baby sis and I.
Our first Christmas Eve as Mr. & Mrs.

As Jackson tradition has it, you open one gift on Christmas Eve…. PJ’s!! So we carried on that tradition.

Then it was time for Santa to come!

What you do on your first year will determine the rest of you Christmases… At least that is what I was told. So I made a Christmas morning oven French Toast and a cornish hen feast for dinner… lets see how long this tradition lasts. : )

I had the hubby carve the hen.

Merry Christmas!!


  1. Aunt Kat Schrack says

    Thanks for sharing your first Christmas as Mr. & Mrs. What fun and what great traditions you’ve created. Your tree is beautiful and your cookies and meal look yummy! God bless you both in 2013. I’ll be lurking around Facebook checking in on you guys.

  2. [email protected] says

    What great photos! Your tree is lovely and wow the presernts under it! I’m jealous. lol
    Lots of yummy goodies and I could almost taste those cornish hens. We were at your mom’s the night you called about what to do with your broth. It looks like the best Christmas ever. Thanks so much for sharing with me.
    Love, Aunt Diana

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