
Cook Forest Trip | Travel Tuesday

Have you ever been on a trip and just didn’t want to come home? Well, this weekend, we just didn’t. We were scheduled to leave the campground on Sunday afternoon and the afternoon hit and we just didn’t feel like leaving. So we stayed. An extra night was just what we needed so we were able to relax all day Sunday. We pushed off yesterday morning about nine and by noon we home and mostly unpacked. Here is our Cook Forest camping adventure!

The view from our little pop-up was just perfect!! I could have stayed here for hours. IMG_6137.JPG

On Friday our adoption grandpa, Mark, took us to his favorite spots, Beaver Meadow Forest. Mark’s wife Kay passed a few years ago after a long battle with cancer and the Cook forest area was their go-to spot. After our trip there last year right before wedding season, we decided that this would be where we all vacationed with my family this year.

After arriving at Beaver Meadow, I quickly realized why mark and Kay had loved the little place so much. The view of the lake was visible from the road as you came in but following the path, the view quickly widened and the lake wound down the rows of tall pines till the end was out of view. The heavy clouds and the misty day just added to the landscapes drama.

My favorite stop was at the deer park. Now I’m sure most of you know that Aaron is an avid hunter. So as you can guess, he was drooling and I was just loving all the fluffy new friends I was making at the dear park.

Since the bucks are about to start the rut, we couldn’t pet them but we could pet the baby deer and the does. OMG THEY WERE SO CUTE!!! The little white one below was named Sally and she just loved me!!

The bottom photo there just cracks me up… that was Aaron waiting for me to spot petting the one mamma deer. I kept trying to pull my hand away and she kept nudging it. It was breaking my heart! I did take a little video of her but it’s to big to post. Sorry guys!


With each trip, I try to take away something…

  • 4 day trips are the best, unless you can stay longer, then choose longer. Four days trips allow you enough time truly spend two day unwinding.
  • I want a baby dear and Aaron and not allowed to shoot mommies anymore. Only the bucks. They aren’t are cute and cuddly.
  • Spot and ask those that are older than you two share some stories about their life and their favorite places. Thanks to Mark, we have a wonderful spot to go to and with each spot, I can now remember his life and share it

Happy Travel Tuesday friends!!



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