
And We Are Off | White Mountains Camping Trip

Aaron and I are headed on a grand adventure in New Hampshire for the next week so we will see you all back on the 22nd! Two years ago we went camping in the white mountains of New Hampshire and loved it so much that we are going to do it again! Only this time we got smart and bought a pop-up camper. No more sleeping on the ground in the rain. Winning!!!

Cell service will be limited BUT I will be popping Instagram when I can to share all the lovely places I find this trip. I will also be testing out Instagram’s new “Storys” feature so if you are not follow us, you might want to. Rumor has it those are the unedited and totally crazy ones. Here is a favorite photo from our last trip. Yep, it’s the one hanging in our living room on canvas.

New Hampshire White Mountains by Jackson Signature Photography a Destination Wedding Photographer

So don’t have to much fun while we are gone. See you all in a few!

– Tiffany & Aaron

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