
Allowing Lovely to Happen

Allowing Lovely to Happen | Wedding Timeline How To

Lovely comes from a genuine place. It’s pure. It’s raw.

Lovely comes from a place of joy. A place full of love. A full heart.

Why does this matter? Lovely is not rushed. Lovely is not hurried.

Lovely moments take time. You can’t force them.wedding timeline  how to, Allowing lovely to happen, Jackson Signature Photography, wedding day timelines, why you should have a wedding day timeline, wedding planning, wedding planner, wedding photographer, Greensburg wedding photographer, Greensburg wedding planner, Latrobe wedding photographer, Latrobe wedding planner,

It will be 3 years soon, I had a wedding that turned into a mini nightmare for me. The bride and I had met, we had planned her day and wedding timeline. All was well, her and her soon to be hubby were to have a relaxing Saturday wedding. To make a long story short, mom took over the timeline and chopped out an hour and set the time for the ceremony, catering and  DJ with that hour missing. She insisted that was how she wanted it all to be and I didn’t need the time. She meant well, I’m sure but… fast forward to the wedding day…

The ceremony ends late, the family photos are rushed, we partially race to the location that the bride and groom would like photos of them and their bridal party only to have a small window of time for everything. The bride is stressing, I’m secretly practically having a panic attack and the mom, who insisted on the timeline change, is mad at me because we are rushed. ( Note: I did let her know that this would happen prior to the day. )

wedding timeline , Allowing lovely to happen, Jackson Signature Photography, wedding day timelines, why you should have a wedding day timeline, wedding planning, wedding planner, wedding photographer, Greensburg wedding photographer, Greensburg wedding planner, Latrobe wedding photographer, Latrobe wedding planner,

It’s now 3 years later that wedding day makes me a little sad. There was nothing I could have done differently but it still breaks my heart. A stressed out bride is the last thing I want to see. I can’t express enough the importance of creating a stress free day where you can take the time to have lovely meaningful moments.

I was reading a blog the other day about sacrificing some things to just allow time to enjoy the day. The blogger said about laying down some of the wedding day dreams you might have had and pick up new ones. Ones that allowed you to breathe that day and truly take time of the things that matter. Now she also said that it would be different for each bride.

As little girls and adults, we love to create our vision of our wedding day but sometimes reality and our dreams clash. The blogger went on to say about keeping those dreams but just altering them a little to allow those dreams to grow and flourish into their full potential.

wedding timeline  how to, Allowing lovely to happen, Jackson Signature Photography, wedding day timelines, why you should have a wedding day timeline, wedding planning, wedding planner, wedding photographer, Greensburg wedding photographer, Greensburg wedding planner, Latrobe wedding photographer, Latrobe wedding planner,

So before you limit your day, allow it to become the day you have always dreamed of with more lovely memorable and genuine moments than you thought possible.

Tiffany & Aaron  { The Jacksons }


  1. ashley says

    This is so true!! I love how you worded it at the beginning. You can’t rush or force lovely! A little more time for us photographers and the whole day can be free of stress.

  2. ariana says

    Oh my goodness, that is such a tough situation to be in! That poor bride, and YOU! great advice for brides though – choose (and stand up for the opportunity) to experience your day, not just blow through it!

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