
Weekend Laurel Highlands Vacation | Personal

Sometimes you need to just get-a-way. Slow down and enjoy the little things in life. Or as the video I saw the other week on Facebook said, take prescription strength “Nature.” You can find the referenced nature video here.

One dose of nature was taken this weekend in our Laurel Highlands vacation. We both wrapped up work a little early Friday and headed to Seven Springs. There was still a good bit of snow there but the temperature was warmer so I was in my glory! Cold weather freezing is not really my thing.

Weekend Laurel Highlands Vacation by Jackson Signature Photography

Saturday morning we had a delicious breakfast at the Trenthouse Inn. This lovely place holds a special place in my heart not only because it was were I got ready the morning of our wedding but because the sweetest older lady runs it. Her name is Mary Ann and she talks to Aaron and I every time we come in. It’s only about once a year, but she remembers. She also has the most charming rooms to rent as well so you might want to consider stopping and for breakfast and lunch or staying the night.
Weekend Laurel Highlands Vacation by Jackson Signature Photography

After filling our bellies, we hit the trail for a little hike. Remind me next time to get some snowshoes!
Weekend Laurel Highlands Vacation by Jackson Signature Photography
Weekend Laurel Highlands Vacation by Jackson Signature Photography

Sorry all but these are nothing fancy, just some iPhone photos. The camera stayed home!
Weekend Laurel Highlands Vacation by Jackson Signature Photography

Maybe someday this will be the view from our house. Well, something similar at least. The lookout here in the Forbes State Forest was amazing! Aaron and I often laugh about the so called “look outs” they place in parks. Wouldn’t you know that about a half mile up the path, they have a “look out” area… Well I am here to say that those are not where the best views are. The best view is found when you take the path less traveled and hike a little.
Weekend Laurel Highlands Vacation by Jackson Signature Photography

Walking back I heard from behind me Aaron half singing “Would you like to build a snowman.” So build a snowman we did! Duke thought he was for him to play with and eat so we kept having to shoo him away while we built.
Weekend Laurel Highlands Vacation by Jackson Signature Photography

Well I trust you all had a wonderful weekend!

– Tiffany

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