
Wedding Photography Behind the Scenes the 2015 Edition | Jackson Signature Photography

This just might be our most embarrassing blog post of the year. I have gathered over 40 photos from our weddings this year to give you a little look at our wedding photography behind the scenes.

We had a wonderful 2015 wedding season with the most amazing couples. Couples that not only trusted us to capture wonderful moments but to plan and keep their wedding day on time and running smoothly. During those busy wedding days there are a few things that keep us laughing and make us look like we are working. 😉 Enjoy the wedding photography behind the scenes!

Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers. SpringField Winery Wedding Maryland
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers. Springfield Winers Wedding Maryland

A little game of where is Waldo.

Behind the scenes, Jackson Signature Photography, Photographers behind the scenes, wedding photography behind the scenes, how to be a wedding photographer, 2015 wedding photography season, Greensburg Wedding Photography, Michigan Wedding Photography, Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer, Best Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer, Best Greensburg Wedding Photographer, Romantic Wedding Photographer, Maryland Wedding Photographer, Thurmond Maryland Wedding Photographer, Pennsylvania Wedding Photographer, Destination Wedding Photographer, Traveling Wedding Photographer, Greensburg Photographer, Pittsburgh Photographer,

Oh gosh my hair! Someone get me a salon appointment! Thankfully they were looking more fabulous than my hair…
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.Springfield Winers Wedding Maryland

When we are planning for the best lighting at a location, I have this handsome man who acts as the bride.
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.Springfield Winers Wedding Maryland

Sometimes I might sneak in for a selfie with the bride.
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.


He is so distinguished!
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.

Because we scouted out this location prior to the start of the day, we knew it would be a great spot for photos with only 5 minutes before we had to leave.
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers. Mount Saint Marry University Wedding Springfield Winers Wedding Maryland

Ummm do you want this here? Or over here? You need to tell me these things, this chair weights a ton.
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.

This heat is unbearable can we please be done, Tiffany?

So glad we took these ones here because this set of photos holds Chloe and Nathan’s favorite.
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.

Another where is Waldo photo.

Behind the scenes, Jackson Signature Photography, Photographers behind the scenes, wedding photography behind the scenes, how to be a wedding photographer, 2015 wedding photography season, Greensburg Wedding Photography, Michigan Wedding Photography, Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer, Best Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer, Best Greensburg Wedding Photographer, Romantic Wedding Photographer, Maryland Wedding Photographer, Thurmond Maryland Wedding Photographer, Pennsylvania Wedding Photographer, Destination Wedding Photographer, Traveling Wedding Photographer, Greensburg Photographer, Pittsburgh Photographer, Latrobe Pennsylvania Wedding

You wouldn’t know it, but I specifically bought a grip for the bottom of my camera so I wouldn’t have to put my arm up in the air like a silly person.
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers. Greensburg Wedding. YWCA front steps Wedding photos.
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.

Not sure what we are doing here but it made me giggle.

Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.

One thing we don’t get to do often enough is work with videographers. We love to, but they seem to be the last vendor booked and the first one to be crossed off the list. They make the day fun too!
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.

We even take time for a few selfies if we can on a wedding day. The mirror is our preferred foreground.
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.The evolution of the photographer model…Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers. Littiz Wedding Photos. Litiz Wedding

Sometimes we even have the privilege of photographing family weddings and things get a little more sappy.
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.

I’m an expert veil fixer and camera holder all rolled into one.
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.

Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.

Sometimes Batman even comes to our weddings. Yep, we are special.

Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.

Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.Do you think she will notice me here?
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.

I’m a little intense at times… Ok fine. All the time but this time I’m actually showing it on my face.
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.

Work it Aaron!
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.

“Don’t worry I have yet to stab someone.” Keeping it classy with a pin in my mouth while talking.
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.

Long ceremony selfie. Sometime when church has to count for a wedding AND Sunday service, things can get a little lengthy. An hour and 45 minutes later there was a new Mr & Mrs.
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.

When there is not a caterer, who pours the champagne? The photographer does.
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.

It earned me a hug! 🙂
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.

Oh my! My backside! This is why there are photos that don’t go in the gallery! Yikes!
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.

Yes, just smile and nod.

Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.

So before photos with the bridesmaids, we let them know how to hold their bouquets and relate it to walking down the isle. We call what Aaron is doing the nervous bridesmaid. If you have ever watched hundreds of bridesmaids walk down the isle, you can see who is most nervous by how high her bouquet is being held.
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.

Falling asleep ehh?
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.

Then there are the silly setups. This is a small table with a shoebox lid, a photo frame and then the veil and jewelry on top. All this to achieve the photo below this one…
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers. Ligonier Wedding on the Diamond. Ligonier Chapel Wedding


Caught in the act boys!
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.

Don’t worry Carla and I took one too but ours was on the iPhone.
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.

Rainy day’s are not our friends.
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.

When you photograph your friends wedding, you have to find a way to get a photo with them too.
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.

#weddingdaygoals, photos with clean backgrounds. I am OCD so when I photograph, I try and be careful to keep the background clear and story telling. However, the behind the scenes are a different story.
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.

Work it hubby!
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers. Mansion on 5th wedding.

The walking bridesmaid again dear?
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.

We even get place cards! Oh happy day!
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.

Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.

A little reception meditation?
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.

Yet again, I have that battery grip for a reason.
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.
Behind the scenes with Jackson Signature Photography. Our 2015 wedding photography season from Greensburg Weddings to Michigan, Pittsburgh and Maryland Weddings. Pennsylvania Wedding Photographers.

A few extra behind the scenes stores…

  • If one of your groomsmen’s dress shirts doesn’t arrive in the right color, Aaron will share his dress shirt.
  • Don’t have anywhere to change or get ready? Don’t worry we have a tent for that.
  • If someone forgets a belt, Aaron will share his.
  • Forgot how to lace the wedding dress? Don’t worry I can do that.
  • If there is an emergency, the Oops Bag has the fix.
  • There are always about 30 umbrellas in the back of our car. I am pretty sure my mechanic thinks I have an umbrella obsession.
  • I can whip up a boutonnière in the pinch.
  • Not to worry anymore, I can plan catering, florist, decor designer and planner all at once. Oh yeah, and wedding photographer too.

View all of our 2015 Pennsylvania and Destination weddings on the blog. Cheers to the 2016 Wedding Season!!

-Tiffany & Aaron


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