
Caroline’s 2nd Birthday Giraffe Tea Party | Greenesburg Portrait Photographer

It’s not every day you have a special guest at your tea party. This delightful fellow not only arrived at her tea party BUT at her birthday party. Talk about a wild time. 😉

With all that was happening in March, I wasn’t sure that Caroline’s second birthday photos would happen BUT they finally did. Even her party balloons from The Balloon Shop survived long enough to join the photos. I can not recommend them enough!

Welcome to Caroline’s 2nd Birthday Giraffe Tea Party Portraits.
Caroline's 2nd Birthday Giraffe Tea Party by Greenesburg and Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer Jackson Signature Photography. Caroline's 2nd Birthday Giraffe Tea Party by Greenesburg and Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer Jackson Signature Photography.

This cute little tea set was part of her birthday gift from Aaron and I. It matches her rose petal cottage we got her as a Christmas gift. I have no idea what I was thinking when I bought it. It’s a large indoor playhouse cottage. We own a small two bedroom cape cod… Oops! Thankfully she LOVES that cottage and her new tea set.
Caroline's 2nd Birthday Giraffe Tea Party by Greenesburg and Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer Jackson Signature Photography. Caroline's 2nd Birthday Giraffe Tea Party by Greenesburg and Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer Jackson Signature Photography. Caroline's 2nd Birthday Giraffe Tea Party by Greenesburg and Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer Jackson Signature Photography. Last year was the year of the giraffe’s for Caroline complete with meeting and feeding one at the zoo on vacation.
Caroline's 2nd Birthday Giraffe Tea Party by Greenesburg and Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer Jackson Signature Photography.
Caroline's 2nd Birthday Giraffe Tea Party by Greenesburg and Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer Jackson Signature Photography. “food joff?”

She was working on saying giraffe and it help coming out like a weird cross between Jeff and off. Don’t worry though, we can now say giraffe just fine. It just took a little bit of practice.Caroline's 2nd Birthday Giraffe Tea Party by Greenesburg and Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer Jackson Signature Photography.
Caroline's 2nd Birthday Giraffe Tea Party by Greenesburg and Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer Jackson Signature Photography.
Caroline's 2nd Birthday Giraffe Tea Party by Greenesburg and Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer Jackson Signature Photography.
Caroline's 2nd Birthday Giraffe Tea Party by Greenesburg and Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer Jackson Signature Photography. Giraffe’s tell the best jokes, didn’t you know that? 😉
Caroline's 2nd Birthday Giraffe Tea Party by Greenesburg and Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer Jackson Signature Photography. Caroline's 2nd Birthday Giraffe Tea Party by Greenesburg and Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer Jackson Signature Photography.

Poor giraffe couldn’t quite reach the shared cup of tea despite his long neck. 😉

Caroline's 2nd Birthday Giraffe Tea Party by Greenesburg and Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer Jackson Signature Photography.
Caroline's 2nd Birthday Giraffe Tea Party by Greenesburg and Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer Jackson Signature Photography.
Caroline's 2nd Birthday Giraffe Tea Party by Greenesburg and Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer Jackson Signature Photography.
Caroline's 2nd Birthday Giraffe Tea Party by Greenesburg and Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer Jackson Signature Photography.
Caroline's 2nd Birthday Giraffe Tea Party by Greenesburg and Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer Jackson Signature Photography.
Caroline's 2nd Birthday Giraffe Tea Party by Greenesburg and Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer Jackson Signature Photography.
Caroline's 2nd Birthday Giraffe Tea Party by Greenesburg and Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer Jackson Signature Photography.
Caroline's 2nd Birthday Giraffe Tea Party by Greenesburg and Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer Jackson Signature Photography.
Caroline's 2nd Birthday Giraffe Tea Party by Greenesburg and Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer Jackson Signature Photography.
Caroline's 2nd Birthday Giraffe Tea Party by Greenesburg and Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer Jackson Signature Photography. This face right here is the face of an ornery little girl… I get to see this face when I know she is up to no good or about to deliberately not obey what I told her.
Caroline's 2nd Birthday Giraffe Tea Party by Greenesburg and Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer Jackson Signature Photography.
Caroline's 2nd Birthday Giraffe Tea Party by Greenesburg and Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer Jackson Signature Photography.
Caroline's 2nd Birthday Giraffe Tea Party by Greenesburg and Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer Jackson Signature Photography.
Caroline's 2nd Birthday Giraffe Tea Party by Greenesburg and Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer Jackson Signature Photography. Ok, so let’s get down to the truth of this little giraffe tea party. There was a lot of bribing that happened. The end result was worth it though. Before her tea party ended we brought out some real food to her to munch. Raisins are this girls favorite so naturally we were bribing her to sit for photos to get a box of them. Well, I think the bribery paid off.
Caroline's 2nd Birthday Giraffe Tea Party by Greenesburg and Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer Jackson Signature Photography. Caroline's 2nd Birthday Giraffe Tea Party by Greenesburg and Pittsburgh Portrait Photographer Jackson Signature Photography.

Would your kiddo like their own giraffe tea party session or even just a fun kiddo session without a giraffe? Our portrait sessions are still 40% OFF till the 17th!! Get all the details by following the link below!

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