
Hempfield High School Grad Kaia’s Latrobe Senior Portrait Session

Sometimes you just have to stop and pick the roadside location. Kaia’s summer senior portrait session wan’t created around a single location but the idea of a few background. Form there we hopped in the car and drive till we found what we were looking for.

Lovely sunlight and lush greens; open fields and water. Latrobe’s countryside had plenty to offer. We even wrapped out her session’s last outfit with a sunflower patch. I couldn’t believe how perfect each spot was!

Hempfield High School Grad Kaia's Latrobe Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Portait Photographer.

Kaia is a Hempfield High School Class of 2020 senior and since my blogging is behind, again, she will be graduating in a few short months.
Hempfield High School Grad Kaia's Latrobe Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Portait Photographer.
Hempfield High School Grad Kaia's Latrobe Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Portait Photographer.
Hempfield High School Grad Kaia's Latrobe Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Portait Photographer.

How about a new shoes session? It’s the perfect way to not have to worry about what shoes to wear and looks great with every summery senior portrait outfit. Kaia had the idea and I couldn’t love it more!
Hempfield High School Grad Kaia's Latrobe Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Portait Photographer.
Hempfield High School Grad Kaia's Latrobe Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Portait Photographer.
Hempfield High School Grad Kaia's Latrobe Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Portait Photographer.
Hempfield High School Grad Kaia's Latrobe Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Portait Photographer.Hempfield High School Grad Kaia's Latrobe Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Portait Photographer.
Hempfield High School Grad Kaia's Latrobe Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Portait Photographer.
Hempfield High School Grad Kaia's Latrobe Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Portait Photographer.
Hempfield High School Grad Kaia's Latrobe Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Portait Photographer.
Hempfield High School Grad Kaia's Latrobe Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Portait Photographer.

A flowery romper, sunshine, bear feet and a darling floral romper. We were in route to another location when I spotted the sunlight coming through the trees on the side of the road. We turned around, hopped out and Kaia killed it in this random location. Roadside senior portrait session locations for the win!
Hempfield High School Grad Kaia's Latrobe Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Portait Photographer.
Hempfield High School Grad Kaia's Latrobe Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Portait Photographer.
Hempfield High School Grad Kaia's Latrobe Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Portait Photographer.
Hempfield High School Grad Kaia's Latrobe Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Portait Photographer.Hempfield High School Grad Kaia's Latrobe Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Portait Photographer.
Hempfield High School Grad Kaia's Latrobe Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Portait Photographer.Kaia, you’re stunning!!!!
Hempfield High School Grad Kaia's Latrobe Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Portait Photographer.
Hempfield High School Grad Kaia's Latrobe Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Portait Photographer.
Hempfield High School Grad Kaia's Latrobe Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Portait Photographer.
Hempfield High School Grad Kaia's Latrobe Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Portait Photographer.Hempfield High School Grad Kaia's Latrobe Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Portait Photographer.

Our last stop was a bit more planned. Kaia’s mom checked to make sure the sunflower patch was alright to use before we went there. We caught the last of the blooms for the summer and some super crazy sunlight.
Hempfield High School Grad Kaia's Latrobe Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Portait Photographer.
Hempfield High School Grad Kaia's Latrobe Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Portait Photographer.
Hempfield High School Grad Kaia's Latrobe Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Portait Photographer.
Hempfield High School Grad Kaia's Latrobe Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Portait Photographer.
Hempfield High School Grad Kaia's Latrobe Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Portait Photographer.
Hempfield High School Grad Kaia's Latrobe Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Portait Photographer.
Hempfield High School Grad Kaia's Latrobe Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Portait Photographer.
Hempfield High School Grad Kaia's Latrobe Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Portait Photographer.
Hempfield High School Grad Kaia's Latrobe Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Portait Photographer.
Hempfield High School Grad Kaia's Latrobe Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Portait Photographer.
Hempfield High School Grad Kaia's Latrobe Senior Portrait Session by Jackson Signature Photography Greensburg Portait Photographer.


You are phenomenal!  I can’t wait to see where life takes you and what you accomplish in life! Happy Graduation Year!


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