
The Jacksons Weekly | 9.3.19

JACKSON SIGNATURE PHOTOGRAPHY: It’s not everyday that you have the privilege of photographing your childhood friends wedding day. I have never seen Nathan more happy in my life and it’s all because of Emily. 🙂 She is an absolute gem!!!!

The Jacksons Weekly blog post about life as a Greensburg and Pittsburgh Wedding and Portait Photogapher.

They were married on Saturday in Emily’s father’s church in Jeannette. The church was so full of so many that loved them and were praying for them it was the sweetest!!! Aaron and I could hardly move to photograph the ceremony but we managed. It turned into standing room only! How cool is that?!?!
The Jacksons Weekly blog post about life as a Greensburg and Pittsburgh Wedding and Portait Photogapher.

You can see their full wedding night preview on our Facebook page here.
The Jacksons Weekly blog post about life as a Greensburg and Pittsburgh Wedding and Portait Photogapher.

Her dad’s church had a willow tree in the back. Ummmm you can’t get any more magical than that my friends!
The Jacksons Weekly blog post about life as a Greensburg and Pittsburgh Wedding and Portait Photogapher.

THE JACKSONS & CAROLINE ROSE: What a fun filled busy week here. We might have snagged a few pumpkins early in the week with our mini BFF and thank goodness we did because we no sooner picked the pumpkins and mini BFF’s mom went into labor.

We always get out fresh fall decor pieces together and this year was no different. We found a little farmstead out towards Mount Pleasant and snagged all the white pumpkins we could find. Caroline had her heart set on the orange ones but mommy said no. :p Sorry friends, orange is not in the color palette. hehe
The Jacksons Weekly blog post about life as a Greensburg and Pittsburgh Wedding and Portait Photogapher.
The Jacksons Weekly blog post about life as a Greensburg and Pittsburgh Wedding and Portait Photogapher.

This girl is sooo my child. She was feeding her dolly coffee. hahahaha
The Jacksons Weekly blog post about life as a Greensburg and Pittsburgh Wedding and Portait Photogapher.

We went to see our mini BFF and her new baby sister last night. Caroline LOVED her sister. I think having cousins has greatly helped her. She is always so kind and wants to help.
The Jacksons Weekly blog post about life as a Greensburg and Pittsburgh Wedding and Portait Photogapher.

Happy Monday everyone!! <3

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