
The Jacksons Weekly | 9.3.19

I spent Labor Day not laboring. Ok I still worked a little but the highlight of my day was time on the lake with Aaron and Laura Hill State Park. I have always loved this place but I forgot how pretty it really was. We actually took two trips up there this weekend. One with Caroline and one without.

The Jacksons Weekly blog post for Spetmeber 3rd. Hiking the laurel highlands, biking at Ohiopyle and enjoying Labor Day in the Latrobe area.

THE JACKSONS: This post is mostly about our little family. While I worked this week I took more time for my little family than usual because it was a LONG WEEKEND!!! YAY!!!

Caroline got her first hair sprout and she looked WAY to grown up. 😉
The Jacksons Weekly blog post for Spetmeber 3rd. Hiking the laurel highlands, biking at Ohiopyle and enjoying Labor Day in the Latrobe area.

We need to get out in nature more. I feel like we get so stuck being over worked and it makes us miserable. We decide to check out one of our local parks a little more than usual and found some new hidden gems along with a nice spot to talk a long walk in the evening.
The Jacksons Weekly blog post for Spetmeber 3rd. Hiking the laurel highlands, biking at Ohiopyle and enjoying Labor Day in the Latrobe area.

Miss Caroline had her first big play date in the backyard for a few friends while Duke supervised. 😉
The Jacksons Weekly blog post for Spetmeber 3rd. Hiking the laurel highlands, biking at Ohiopyle and enjoying Labor Day in the Latrobe area.

Did you know that milk is best enjoyed being lapped up like a puppy? PJ’s and tutus are a new clothing trend. Usborne books are just at cool in the 1990’s as they are now. Look at all the new things you learned today. 😉
The Jacksons Weekly blog post for Spetmeber 3rd. Hiking the laurel highlands, biking at Ohiopyle and enjoying Labor Day in the Latrobe area.

We dedicated the weekend to a stay-cation with nature. First up was our Friday night picnic. Caroline met a turtle and daddy named him Tank. This lake issue picturesque!
The Jacksons Weekly blog post for Spetmeber 3rd. Hiking the laurel highlands, biking at Ohiopyle and enjoying Labor Day in the Latrobe area.

Saturday we took a drive up to Ohiopyle and found it packed with people since Music in the Mountains was going in. Caroline took on her first big bike ride and loved it all to much that she didn’t want to take her helmet off. We had to eat dinner with a helmet on even. Bless her little heart.
The Jacksons Weekly blog post for Spetmeber 3rd. Hiking the laurel highlands, biking at Ohiopyle and enjoying Labor Day in the Latrobe area.

While Sunday’s nature trip did involve going into the city (boooo) There was plenty of nature and the National Aviary. Caroline fed a bird with daddy, almost became a sea eagle’s lunch, (j/k he only looked at her through the glass like she was lunch) and met an overgrown blue park pigeon. The bird had a more technical name but I can’t recall it. Ask Aaron, he spouts it off each time I call the bird a overgrown park pigeon. lol
The Jacksons Weekly blog post for Spetmeber 3rd. Hiking the laurel highlands, biking at Ohiopyle and enjoying Labor Day in the Latrobe area.

Daddy don’t leave for work, just play with dolly and I.     – Carline
The Jacksons Weekly blog post for Spetmeber 3rd. Hiking the laurel highlands, biking at Ohiopyle and enjoying Labor Day in the Latrobe area.

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