
The Little White Church | Rockwood Pennsylvania Wedding

Shortly after Aaron and I were engaged, I knew I wanted to get married in a little white  church. I guess you could say I am a hopeless romantic. Every spare moment was filled with searching for the perfect church. We would hop on an old back road and just drive in hopes of seeing the perfect little church. I think we spent more time looking for a church than anything else for the wedding.


After searching high and low for months, I finally settled on the little white church that was a stones throw away from our reception site. Oops!


To marry my best friend in a charming old white church… It was a silly fantasy really, but in my mind’s eye, it was the perfect place to say “I do.” I am sure my family thought I was crazy and might have lost it but I knew what I wanted. There were so many things I was unsure of but a little white church ceremony was one thing I knew I wanted. As you are wedding planning, start with the things you know you would like. Build your wedding from there. Things that are meant to be will fall into place and things that aren’t won’t.

October 20th, 2012 Aaron and I were married in that little white church. St Paul’s Lutheran a Rockwood Pennsylvania Wedding. Every year we take a trip up to that church just to reminisce on our wedding day.


Enjoy the wedding planning ride and the long rides through the countryside.


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