
The Jacksons Weekly

It’s not every week we take a long weekend but when we do it’s always time well spent. Let’s start at the beginning though with a very special person in our lives…

The Jacksons Weekly blog post. Jackson Siganture Photography Greensburg and Pittsburgh Wedding and Portrait Photography

I’ll try and keep this story short but this is our adopted grandfather Mark. We adopted him into the family several years ago after his wife passed. He always talks fondly of the places he and his wife use to go together but never wanted to go back to them by himself. Over the years, I have been slowly working on taking “family” trips to those locations so he can create new memories to go with his old memories with his wife.

The Jacksons Weekly blog post. Jackson Siganture Photography Greensburg and Pittsburgh Wedding and Portrait Photography

Lake Erie from the Ohio side, Huron area to be specific, was one of those places. He always spoke fondly of their times there and my plan to get him their and enjoying it all worked! We drove around with him to see the sights, visited the beach and made some great new memories. While we might not be his flesh and blood family, he is just as special to us and loved as though he was.

The Jacksons Weekly blog post. Jackson Siganture Photography Greensburg and Pittsburgh Wedding and Portrait Photography

We left later on Thursday so by the time we arrived is was to cold, rainy and windy for the beach so Caroline brought the beach chair inside. This little girl is now a big girl in her new carseat too.
The Jacksons Weekly blog post. Jackson Siganture Photography Greensburg and Pittsburgh Wedding and Portrait Photography
The Jacksons Weekly blog post. Jackson Siganture Photography Greensburg and Pittsburgh Wedding and Portrait Photography
The Jacksons Weekly blog post. Jackson Siganture Photography Greensburg and Pittsburgh Wedding and Portrait Photography This girl is a little beach bum! She loves the water but most of all the sand and rocks. We got her a little sand set before we left and it was quite the hit!
The Jacksons Weekly blog post. Jackson Siganture Photography Greensburg and Pittsburgh Wedding and Portrait Photography We left a little early Sunday morning because someone didn’t sleep well and was a grump so a car nap on the way home did the trick. We did make one little stop though on our way back at Living Treasures Animal Park…
The Jacksons Weekly blog post. Jackson Siganture Photography Greensburg and Pittsburgh Wedding and Portrait Photography Caroline is a fan of animals so we figured she wouldn’t mind. The big cow in the middle photo licked her hand and she thought it was the greatest thing!
The Jacksons Weekly blog post. Jackson Siganture Photography Greensburg and Pittsburgh Wedding and Portrait Photography However, nothing takes the cake more than this photo here…
The Jacksons Weekly blog post. Jackson Siganture Photography Greensburg and Pittsburgh Wedding and Portrait Photography

To bad it’s a phone photo because I think Living Treasures Animal Park should use this one for marketing. It’s pretty darn priceless. No photoshop needed that cute little prairie dog looked at them then looked over at me all on his own.

Well, that’s all I have for you all this week. Tune in next week for a pretty little wedding! For now, Duke here is going to rest up from his own puppy vacation at his buddy Bruce’s house.
The Jacksons Weekly blog post. Jackson Siganture Photography Greensburg and Pittsburgh Wedding and Portrait Photography

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